Sixteen years ago when Luke was born, my sister Rena came to Sydney. She taught me a lot about babies, and she also gave me her recipe for gingerbread houses.
Every year without fail, I've made my sister's gingerbread. And every year I think of her as my kitchen fills with the scent of ginger and cinnamon.
If all you've known are those gingerbread house kits from a box, my sister's recipe makes moist, fragrant, spicy gingerbread that begs you to make a fresh cup of coffee and enjoy.
And it's easy. I promise.
If you or a friend/daughter/sister want Rena's gingerbread recipe (plus house instructions), email me, leave a message in the Comments or Forward to a Friend (link is below - so they can request it from me if they want it). The recipe is ideal for making gingerbread people, too. I know Rena wouldn't mind sharing with you. We come from a long line of women who love to share with's our best quality as a family.
Your kitchen will smell like Christmas.
And because I can't resist, here's a funny story for you: when Luke started school I thought it was a GREAT IDEA to make 25 little houses for his classmates for Christmas -- so tiny, how hard could it be?? Well, it was I'M STILL UP AT 3AM hard. Forever after, I've made big gingerbread houses for each class to share.
Wishing you a happy start to the holiday season from 'snowy''s hoping you can make time for all the traditions you enjoy.