Our white Christmas is sandy. Yours might be snowy. Whatever the weather, I imagine you right now...sipping bubbly in Australia on Christmas morning or sitting in your party dress or pjs by your tree on Canadian Christmas Eve.
<Our Canadian Tree...and my little girl. Notice the cockatoo feather?>
Whatever you celebrate -- Christmas or otherwise -- happy holidays!
<And my Aussie beach tree...the only DIY craft project I've ever done. I *might* have crazy glued that wooden piece to my kitchen table. Just a teeny bit.>
Thanks for being here with me :) Every week in my blog, I've tried to give you something you can use. Maybe not pretty or perfect, but useful. I think the world needs a lot more sharing of our wrinkles, freckles, grey hair, and big hearts (cue my beach photo!). And maybe a little less of our picture-perfect lives.
We're all in this together. Growing older and wiser together. And aren't we lucky?
In Grade One, when I was six, my teacher taught us this poem. I've never forgotten it.
“He drew a circle that shut me out.
Heretic! Rebel! A thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win.
We drew a circle that took him in.”
All your life you'll be drawing circles, she told us. Draw yours to bring other people in. For me, that's what my blog is. A way to spread some happiness and draw my circle around you.
Thanks for seeing the world through my eyes. May you have the good health and happiness to draw your own circles of love in 2017...and help everyone win.
Be blessed. You deserve it.
Catherine xx